
Tuesday, 13 October 2009

some blue...

Have started knitting a scarf using some wool oddments that are too small to do anything else with. It's progressing quite quickly (for me) - this is an evening's worth of knitting. I'm not particularity good I can only do flat straight things like scarves or blankets or... yep that's it. My knitting is a source of amusement for my mum and sister (my mum was an accomplished knitter by the time she was 10!) it's normally so tight that it doesn't move along the needles very easily. This attempt is much looser but this looseness is causing many other problems like dropped stitches and randoms loops and some strange looking stitches... but I'm quite liking these quirks I think they add some character to my funny little scarf.
I go through phases of liking colours. At the moment I'm really being drawn to blues and turquoises so was pleased that many of my wool oddments feel into this colour group. Although there is still a strong green bias but it's my favourite colour so that can't be helped...

On the subject of 'blue' I saw Roger Hiorn's amazing installation, Seizure, that earned him his Turner Prize nomination last week. He's covered the interior of a flat, that's due for demolition, with copper sulphate crystals and it's quite incredible. Photos just don't do it justice.

1 comment:

  1. I have been wanting to teach myself to knit forever! @_@ I am so intimidated, but I think I desire to more and more...

    This project looks lovely!!!
